I’ve had quite a productive weekend, in spite of the heat. We went to buy some parquet flooring for the baby’s room, and I’ll be taking some time off in the week to fit it with a friend. I managed to get most of the housework done Saturday, so today has been relaxed. Friends came over for lunch, they really liked the way the flat is decorated. My hard work and Yasmina’s good taste is beginning to pay off since the look of the place is finished (and looking good :-D) except for the flooring.
I’ve just fixed the main layout issues I was having with my new blog design, so I should be ready to get the new look up over the course of this week. I just need some images to make the page have some character. As a preview, you can see the “random wisdom” block already installed. It will look better when integrated into the new design.
The random wisdom quotes used to be added automatically into my email signature, back in the time when my email client was mutt – a linux text-based email client. I’m pretty much obliged – for convenience in communication mostly – to use Outlook now. 🙁
Have a good start to your week, everyone. As for the people in New Orleans – all their hard work on their homes is wrecked… there’s a sobering thought. My heart goes out to them.