Results Just In

And here are the standings

Overall + this stage, – points from leader

79(+50,-85) Paul Evans (France)
78(+45,-86) Simon White (France)
76(+47,-88) Joost Dantuma (UK)
35(+21,-129) Francis Lee (France)
26(+12,-138) Keir Mitchell (UK)

Paul jumps ahead with a very strong result for his team : including his top two riders in the top ten and two bonus points for Cooke to keep his nose ahead of Dantuma and White. But will sprinter strength at the top of the order be good when we start getting into the mountains this Sunday, or will Joost and Simon’s otherwise (im)balanced order come into play at a later stage?

Franco will need to be looking at his cards and hoping to be able to play his jokers by then. At the moment he’s struggling to keep at the back of the peloton, and Keir’s already off the back of the pack and riding for honour. Still, freak breakaway wins could cause some of Mitchell’s riders to get points – he does have Flecha at number two who was hungry and out alone for many km this afternoon.


1 Comment

  1. Paul Evans

    7/7/2005 at 9:04 am

    You’ve got to go for the points as they are available – and cross your fingers that at least a couple of your sprinters make it through the alps.